Osmocote Indoor Outdoor Plus Review

Hey guys! So, I received a free full-sized sample of Osmocote Indoor Outdoor Plus to review from Smiley360. I received a full sized bottle, and let me tell you, it goes a long way! I have treated all of my indoor flowers as well as my newly redesigned outdoor flower gardens with the plant food, and I have barely scratched the surface on the amount of plant food in the bottle. So as far as value goes, I found it priced at around $10.00 in the store, so definitely worth the price!

How does the stuff work, you ask? You actually sprinkle it onto the dirt around your plants, work it into the ground about an inch or so, and water. Voila! You have finished the treatment!
Here is the photo of one of the flower gardens, with landscaping in progress, to show the before treatment phase:

Not the prettiest, I know, but this is a work in progress. I will share the after photos later on. I recommend that anyone who wants convenient, awesomely priced, easy to use plant food get Osmocote Indoor Outdoor Plus. Thanks for stopping by!
If you want more info go here: Osmocote Indoor Outdoor Plus


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